I DID IT! I finally ran my half marathon that I was training for these past couple months!
May 10th I ran in the Helsinki City Run and finished! It's been my goal to run in a half marathon and I'm glad I got to check it of my to-do list.
Looking back during my training I got hurt a couple times, sat out 2 weeks and had a slow recovery training before the big day. What helped me through it was the satisfaction I would get once I crossed the finished line.
My savor was Tiger Balm , Ibuprofen and Zip Fizz Energy Drink. ( I wrote about Zip Fizz HERE)
I'm normally a long distance runner, so 21km wasn't bad, but my knees start to hurt around 15km mark, which is painful, but manageable.
My after race dinner at Chicos... mmmmm... so worth it :)
My after race dinner at Chicos... mmmmm... so worth it :)
Now I can't wait for the next one, I think I found my new hobby. I normally run alone for exercise, so why not be social and... run alone with people? There is some logic there. :)